Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tacoma Rainiers, Rumble Appearance, Heavy Winds and A 21 B-Day Celebration.

Big day for the Thunder today. The NBA draft lottery takes place later on this afternoon and the Thunder have an 11.9% chance of landing the #1 pick. We are having a lottery party at Buffalo Wild Wings tonight which I will be attending and should have pictures to go along with another blog shortly.

The temperature has been nice here lately and is perfect for baseball. The Tacoma Rainiers made their only visit of the year this past weekend so Todd and I decided to wear our Mariners gear and caught the 4pm game yesterday. All tickets are $7 on Mondays and the early start meant that the crowd was small so we were able to get front row seats. I would guess that there were only around 1,000 people at the game which shocked me since it was about 80 degrees. Unfortunately we didn't pick a very good game to watch the Rainiers as they were defeated by the OKC Red Hawks 9-1. It was still fun to hang out at the ballpark and see some of the potential Mariners stars of tomorrow (Clement, Carp, Moore, etc). I also brought my camera and managed to get a picture taken with some sort of cavity-fighting superhero, Captain Supertooth. The ballpark also continued with its major league ballparks promotion by featuring Philadelphia's Citizen's Bank Park so I also included pictures of the liberty bell signs.

Rumble's assistant was out of town this part weekend so I filled in for him and helped out at an appearance. This was my first appearance with Rumble and it was short and sweet. We did a 30 minute appearance at a place called Crystal Lake for a group of around 200 kids that were part of some sort of mentoring program. The kids were all ages and were going to be spending the day fishing, playing on inflatables and various camp type of games. Rumble managed to sign plenty of autographs and I managed to take a few pictures of him holding the microphone for a guy that was teaching the kids how to fish. After the event we went over to Lake Hefner and grabbed lunch at Mama Roja's, a new Mexican restaurant that everyone has been raving about. I thought it was good but wouldn't say it was the best ever.

We did have some interesting weather last week as there were tornado warnings on Thursday night (tornado touched down about 20 miles south of here) and the winds last Wednesday night got up around 60 MPH which made for an interesting night and managed to do some damage around town. The hospital outside my window had damage to the giant cross on top of the building. Not sure what happened but they were tying rope around it the other day and it hasn't been lit up since that night. Bummer since it is a really nice cross that rotates and usually very bright at night.

Also went out Wednesday night at midnight for a quick drink as my co-worker Tyler's girlfriend Lindsey turned 21 (for the record, Tyler is 23 years old). 15-20 people showed up at Edna's which supposedly is the oldest bar in OKC. It is a nice small bar and is known for the dollar bills that people staple all over the walls and ceiling. I only stayed for about 30 minutes but I'm told the rest of them were there much longer and that Lindsey wasn't feeling very good by the time she left. She had already had around 8 drinks/shots when I left and rumor has it she spent some time on the bathroom floor prior to leaving (can't say that I miss those days).


Kelli said...

Mama Roja's is nothin' like the Lazy J, huh? But then what is...:)

stevew said...

Nothing beats the Lazy J (besides, Mama Roja's doesn't have karaoke)!!!