I'm now enjoying the ability to post pictures and since I don't have any new ones to share I thought I would post a few from my trip a few weeks ago to College Station Texas for the college football game at Texas A&M.
I ended up having a great birthday on Sunday. I met up with some co-workers at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch football for a few hours and then it was off to the Ford Center to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra. A couple of my friends were contemplating going with me but they weren't big enough fans to pay full price so they went to the arena to see if anyone was trying to unload tickets for under face value (one of them lives a few blocks away so it wasn't like they were wasting a great deal of time). When they couldn't find a deal I went up to the box office and found a great single ticket 13 rows back from the stage. This worked out well as the only non singles they had were in the upper bowl as far away from the stage as you can get. Sometimes going solo has its advantages.
The Trans Siberian Orchestra put on an amazing show. They played for 2 hours and 45 minutes straight and were incredibly entertaining. Great music, pyro and light show. I highly recommend them to anyone that enjoys live entertainment.
I did manage to do something today that I had yet to do. I ran a complete lap around Lake Hefner!! Supposedly the distance around the lake is 9.5 miles but I think I might have pulled a Robert Frost and taken the road less traveled. There are a couple of places where the trail forks and perhaps I didn't take the shortest path as I think I ran closer to 10 miles based on my time. Who knows, all I know is that I parked my car and started running in one direction and kept running until I came back to my car from the other direction. Not exactly John Glenn orbiting the earth but seeing that I am not in the best shape of my life, I will gladly take it and be happy.
Originally I wanted to complete my first Hefner circle on my birthday but unfortunately I bruised my foot pretty good dancing last Friday night so I had to put it off for a few extra days. The foot is still bothering my quite a bit but not as bad as it was over the weekend. I do think I picked the wrong day to do my first Hefner circle. We didn't get any rain today but the temperature was around 45 degrees and the winds were at 30-35 MPH all day. I dressed appropriately but it was still BRUTAL. There were some places on the trail where I was running into the wind and it felt like I was barely moving forward and other places where the wind was blowing me sideways so hard that I could barely run straight. It was not a very enjoyable run but every once in a while you need one of those to see what you are made of. I finished so I am feeling pretty good.
My Dad is flying into OKC for his first trip tomorrow night. He will be here for a few days so I should have quite a bit to report on over the next few days as we get out and explore.
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